We are currently reviewing venues to replicate the same experience you enjoyed at our tearooms.
Look out for Tea by the Sea® and High Tea by the Sea® accredited venues and enjoy all the qualities our brand is synonymous with – quality, serendipity and hospitality. If yours is a unique or seaside venue looking to offer or maximise High Tea, then this is for you. Our experience from both sides of the table (as in both serving and eating high tea!) means we can offer insider tips for ”taking tea” from la-lah to ooh-la-lah. As one of Australia’s first Tea Masters with six years high tea experience, plus a big (and growing) brand (and hips!), we can help you make an afternoon of sweet nothings into an afternoon of sweet everythings! We believe it’s all about experiencing the experience! Afterall, the proof is in the pudding, however in this case, the only bottom getting bigger is your bottom line! Bring back the real art of tea, and allow the leaves to entertain your guests, an experience they won’t get elsewhere. Treat them, TEAse them with master blended and prepared teas and we promise they will love you right back. Choose from our signature High Tea by the Sea® range or allow us to create your own house blend. Don’t forget we offer High Tea Etiquette Classes AND we also read the leaves… Your personal High Tea Consultant and Tea Sommelier? At your service… High Tea is IN… enjoy the tea party everyone is talking about. You can be the guest of honour every time! Start spreading the news… It’s definitely high time for tea. Don’t miss the boat.